I'm Azher, a dad and a longtime entrepreneur turned Affiliate Marketer. 


Affiliate Marketing has allowed me to build a online business around the things that matter most to me. 

 The Truth about my Journey to Affiliate Marketing: Revealing the 10 Exclusive 'No Brainers' for beginners 

Why a growing number of People are Embracing Affiliate Marketing 

Is there something really important to you where you don't enough time to solve a pressing problem?

Could it be a major setback, an overwhelming business or a 9-5 job that's coming in the way of rekindling a relationship with those you love, for example?  For me, it was exactly that, that affected my relationship with my boys whom you'll meet shortly. 

You see, more and more people are looking for greater flexibility and freedom between work and life in order to fix what's wrong in their lives. Naturally, having a regular monthly income is very important - It's what greases the wheel of life. 

 And It's for that reason, I've written this article. It's to show how Affiliate Marketing can help address this imbalance and at the same time help you avoid making the same mistakes I made, right at the start of your journey. (read more about the benefits of how Affiliate Marketing made that difference from me)

I'll highlight 10 great upsides (the so-called 10 no-brainers), confront the downsides and show the solution on how avoid and deal with the bad-side of this highly popular online business model. 

For you to become a successful Affiliate Marketer, I'll help you navigate to learning a cutting edge marketing strategy what will it do for you, the disclaimer and point you to a world class affiliate education program, where you can get it all. 

That's my promise to you!

All of it starting with a laptop, a wifi connection and a free Introductory training workshop.

These are my boys and me, recently, in much happier times. But it wasn't always like this!

It all started with a cyber-attack on my food business in August 2018, which wiped away everything I had built over the years. That led to losing my business, my monthly paycheck, my home, and even my marriage. The relationship with the boys got really messy and suffered hugely. 

In the mass confusion, somehow, I realised the setback was an opportunity and a signal for change. I wanted to be there for them (something I missed over the years as they were growing up) and repair the damage that had been done. 

But to be able to have time, starting over again with another traditional style business was a non starter!

I had to do something that would work on autopilot. A digital business that works for me, generating a monthly income by itself, as I invest valuable time and effort in the one thing that matters to me the most.  

With limited funds, I still managed to go in and out of numerous online training programs. If I’m honest, the learning provided was great and that alone was worth the experience. But for me, that’s where the upside ended. They're exactly that - JUST training programs. I was seeking for something so much more. I wanted my hand held by experts while following a step-by-step training in setting up my online business.

You see, I’m a sucker for persistence. Even through the rebukes and rebuttals, I still managed to launch 3 digital businesses (a virtual courier company, a dark (kinda digital) kitchen and an online coaching business). I should've realised after the first failure it wasn't working. None of them met my ultimate criteria of creating more time - It was blatantly obvious, there was something missing! 

Working hard is what I knew! I didn’t know any other way. What I needed was to find a new way - a smarter way!

That's when a Youtube Ad caught my attention about Affiliate Marketing. The video offered me the same intro training you could access in the button below. It'll introduce you to a ground-breaking marketing strategy called Authority Marketing and a walk-through on how this strategy universally applies to all the different types of online businesses out there, including Affiliate Marketing. And all of it starting with just a laptop and internet connection. (more on Authority Marketing below)

Now you may think it looks too good to be true. I certainly did! After all, I mistrusted most things after having lost it all. So, I procrastinated, thinking that I was being cautious. 

And oh boy - what a mistake!

Fast forward a year and three failed online businesses later, it was a blood sucking 9-5 that finally broke the donkey's back!  

In desperation, I decided to come back to investigate the intro training again and immediately felt like a fool for having overlooked it in the first place! I've gone on to invest in some top-notch education and have never looked back. 

Read on for the Upsides, Downsides and Bad-Sides of Affiliate Marketing or hit the button below to learn more about working online right away!

Wrapping things up...

For me, without question, family is priority. Having the flexibility and making time for them is at the core of that priority. As kids grow older and become more independent, OUR personal needs, growth and satisfaction starts to take centre stage. I know, I'd want to make the most of any learning opportunities that come my way. 

It's not that my kids don't need me anymore - But rather they need me in a different way. I'm grateful to have found an online business that flexes on autopilot as my relationship evolves between me and the boys. 

What is affiliate marketing All About?

Affiliate Marketing is like being a virtual salesperson. You promote someone else's product or service, and when someone buys through your unique link, you earn a commission. It's a hands-off approach to entrepreneurship, where you don't have to worry about stock or customer service.

The growth opportunity for Affiliate Marketing globally is phenomenal: The global Affiliate Marketing industry is currently worth more than $17 billion. 

"Experts predict that by 2027, it’ll reach a market size of $27.78 billion, an expected increase of 63% over the 3 years."

The global interest over time in Affiliate Marketing has exploded.

The upsides, downsides & Bad-sides of affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing Upsides....The No-Brainers!

  • No-Brainer #1: Small Risk & Big Reward: With Affiliate Marketing, there's no risk of stocking product and it not selling. You just share knowledge about someone else's product or service you believe in (through like an ad, article or blog) and earn commission when they buy the offer through your affiliate link. Look at it this way: it's a minimum investment with maximum return model!
  • No-Brainer #2: Flexibility & Independance:  It was THIS that captured my attention and why most people find their way to Affiliate Marketing. The onus is on you! You get to decide how to plan your day, whatever your profession. Whether you're a young parent or an older parent, like me, you have unparalleled opportunity to live the life of your choice, prioritising what matters to you the most.  All you need is a laptop and internet connection to manage your business from anywhere.
  • No-Brainer #3: Passive Income Possibilities:  Let your business work for you and not YOU work for your business! This is what I LOVE about this model - It earns as you sleep! I got my first sale while sleeping on a plane, travelling to see my kids on the other side of the world! After a one time setup, your marketing system does all the heavy lifting as the income steadily flows in 24/7. What's even better, with the right training and your back end system optimised, you can scale up things for uncapped income possibilities - it's all in your control. 
  • No-Brainer #4: No Previous Skills Needed:  Yes, I know it's too good to be true - It's why most people don't believe it. It's what surprised me too. But trust me - it's true! Anything is possible with the right training and the right dedicated expert support. You'll be taken by the hand with no online skills to launching a profitable business in as little as a few months (I launched my affiliate business in just 8 weeks!) - Important Note: It's NOT an overnight get rich scheme!
  • No-Brainer #5: No Social Media Presence Required: This is a big misconception! It's one I misunderstood also. Like most people in our community, I wanted to build trust with my customers and maintain my privacy at the same time. I was really pleased to see that is the case with Affiliate Marketing! By not being on Social Media won't stop you having a successful Affiliate Marketing business. Again the choice is yours!
  • No-Brainer #6: No Need To Invest In Stock: Like I mentioned at the outset, you don’t need to buy any stock. There’s no risk of getting stuck with unsold products or products running out of date.
  • No-Brainer #7: More Control Through More Choice: As an Affiliate Marketer, you get to choose which products or services to promote. You can aim for big profits by focusing on a high ticket product or service. Plus, you can use different ways to spread the word, like articles, blogs or social media, either for free or by paying for ads. Again, it's your choice!
  • No-Brainer #8: Join The Digital Goldrush: This REALLY is a big one! With an estimated 2.64 billions shoppers online in 2023 alone, there has never been a better time to re-skill and leverage the digital boom. The opportunity is huge!
  • No-Brainer #9: Your Skillset Is Your Asset: Learning online skills opens up many opportunities, as digital skills are in high demand. Whether you want to work for someone or be your own boss, leveraging these skills makes you a desirable and valuable hire. 
  • No-Brainer #10: Geographic Freedom:  With a laptop and an internet connection – you can work from literally ANYWHERE. What I love about this lifestyle is I can go quad biking on the beach with my boys in the afternoon, after dedicating a couple of hours to my Affiliate Marketing business in the morning. Again, your choice when and where you want.

Affiliate Marketing Downsides....

  • Too Much Competition: More people are turning to Affiliate Marketing to make money remotely. But with so many others doing the same, it can be tough to get noticed. However, with proper training and an effective Authority Marketing strategy, it's totally doable (I've done it myself!).
  • No Control Over Delivery: Being an Affiliate Marketer means you don't decide what you sell. So if the product or service disappoints, it might affect your reputation. So, choose your products/services and partners wisely, and aim not to put your eggs in one basket - spread the risk!
  • Commission Changes: Sometimes, companies lower the commission they pay to Affiliate Marketers, which can affect how much you earn. Do your homework and promote companies you've personally used, love, and trust to minimize risk.
  • Fluctuating Earnings: Just to be aware, your earnings as an Affiliate Marketer can change based on how well the product or service sells, market shifts, and other external factors outside of your control.

And Affiliate Marketing's Bad-Side... 

There are many scams and poor return on investment (ROI) schemes out there!

Many companies don't offer good returns, support, or resources to their Affiliates. Affiliate Marketing seems promising, but watch out for scams that claim you'll get rich quick — it rarely happens and it'll hurt your pocket!

BUT, I got lucky, I learnt Authority Marketing through a top-notch education program, introduced to me through another Affiliate member in the community. Unlike other schemes, you're much more than just an account number. They'll guide you to Prepare, Launch & Grow your real online business, whether it's Affiliate Marketing or any other online business model - The choice is yours!

Remember, you only have to set up systems once and earn big rewards around the clock on autopilot.....I made my first sale while on a plane, 30,000 feet up in the air!

I know how tempting it is to jump right in because let's face it is an exciting prospect, isn't it? 

I would recommend using the free introductory training as a foundation of learning - Trust me, if done in the right way, it will prove to be very beneficial up ahead.

What keeps me grounded, is the daily reminder of my Affiliate Marketing business that helped me reconnect with my children. 

So, I'd recommend to carefully weigh up all the things discussed above. Hopefully this article has brought a bit more clarity in helping you to go forward. 

Without it being too obvious, I've become a huge fan of Affiliate Marketing. It's a refreshing change from the traditional way. What took years to setup, I've managed to do in weeks . By investing in myself, I’ve been able to apply the universal skills creating digital assets and now building other revenue streams in areas of interest that are very close to my heart.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." - Barack Obama

How does Affiliate Marketing Work?

The simplicity of this flexible model is an entrepreneurs dream come true. If you partner up with a High Ticket Affiliate Program (bonus inside peak about high ticket commission) and get the marketing right, you’ll have a high profit online Affiliate Business. With a recurring monthly income many people have enjoyed the flexibility and freedom, as I have done, while the business runs on autopilot.

Getting started in Affiliate Marketing is straight forward. You find a product or service you believe in, sign up for their Affiliate Program, and start promoting through your website, blog, or social media. It's like being an online matchmaker, connecting buyers with products and services they'll love.

The education offered is a 360 degree approach with many options open to build something that you love for the right reasons and with the right strategy - The Authority Marketing Strategy. It exceeds far beyond the bog standard of a ‘how to’ online training being offered by other schemes.

It's a place where your hand is held every step of the way. You'll enter this world as a digital novice just like most of us. But over time, you could end up running a 6 to 7 figure online business like many in the community. (Me? I'm not there yet, but this is closest I've ever been!)

Learning And Earning Through Authority Marketing: The Real Impact of The Affiliate Education

Authority Marketing is a cutting-edge strategy enabling you make more money in less time, by working smarter not harder. It’s about embracing today's digital world by leveraging the power of online marketing systems to automate selling any product or service to any target audience anywhere in the world.

So What's Authority Marketing? 

When starting something new there's always obstacles, niggles, doubts and fears of the unknown. Especially, what gets in the way of our dreams and desires.

Me? It took 5 years to transition from the "Traditional" to Affiliate Marketing. And my God, I won't lie - it was painful getting there!

Mind you, not all the pain came from the fear of the unknown and self-doubt - it's natural to have those feelings when starting something new. 

No, what got in the way was ME, stupidly believing other people. I allowed myself to get influenced by statements such as "Why you wasting your time...?" or "Are you sure this hasn't been done before" or here's one that always comes up, "There's so many people out there already doing it....take the easy route and just do a 9-5!". 

Listening to them at my own peril was exhausting. It lead to wrongly questioning my abilities, doubting if I was really on the right track and dangerously coming close to going back to the traditional way (thank goodness I didn't). 

But that's when Affiliate Marketing blew apart this falsehood! It gave me hope, as I discovered how simple it was, all of it starting with some free video workshops. Looking back on it now, it was a no-brainer!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the traditional way - During the 26 years of running the business, it gave me a very good living while it lasted. 

At the end, it wasn't for me and therein lies the compelling reason to make that change. Before I dive into the nitty-gritty, let me share with you the events the lead me to why I chose Affiliate Marketing.

Here's what we'll cover:

Why I went with Affiliate Marketing 

What Got In The Way!

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing (In My Personal Journey)

It's a lot more than just a training program. By joining you plug into a world-wide community of like minded individuals who are using the same training to build their dream online business. It's anything and everything the imagination can create: from an e-commerce store selling specialist rucksacks, to a subscription based choir business, to an enginuative way to remarket and rejuvenate a B&B impacted by the pandemic in Portugal. 

And let's not forget those of us wanting to keep it simple, selling other companies products/services via Affiliate Marketing, such as one of our leading Affiliates - Mike Jacques.

Meet the Go-Getters - A Community of Like-Minded Achievers

Inside Look: Free Intro Training - The Full Disclaimer!

Reading the article, I'm hoping, you'll feel safe and confident that you're in the right place before investing your time and money in a paid program. 

If you're willing to give time and commitment, you will experience the fruits of your labour, just like I've done. Success for me came from the world-class resources, the step by step training, and expert mentoring, which I have no doubt, you'll learn more about in the free intro training.

So what've you got to lose? 

Click the link below for the training that opened my eyes to a new and smarter way of doing business in order to reconnect with those I love – What you'll learn will completely inspire you and totally change the way you see the digital landscape! 

The First Step: How To Start Affiliate Marketing

Authority Marketing And The Free Intro Training 

The free intro training covers the 6 steps to learning and earning with Authority Marketing:

Everybody knows the internet is where people prefer to research and buy products and services. When you learn how to use Authority Marketing,  you'll gain a skill set to tap into this multi-billion dollar opportunity and know precisely how to get in front of targeted buyers and convert them into customers - on complete autopilot.

As a result of the above, you’ll bring money into your bank account every day, like clockwork. You can do this with your own existing products or services. Or tap into newbie-friendly business models like affiliate marketing to earn generous commissions. All this can be done from scratch and starting today!

Here's What Authority Marketing Will Do For You…

Like so many, my journey began with the FREE intro training I just spoke about a minute ago and you can start there too. 

In the free intro training, you'll learn:

  • All aspects of an online business, not just Affiliate Marketing. 
  • You'll be taught the ground-breaking Authority Marketing strategy and how it will set you apart from the rest of the crowd. 
  • You'll experience the worldwide community (which includes me) of 'go-getters' from all walks of life, all on the same path. 

Where To Start With Affiliate Marketing

It's highly unlikely that a free intro training alone could help build a profitable Affiliate Marketing business or any other profitable online business, for that matter! 

 Bonus Inside Look: High Ticket Commission 

If the step by step training is followed without cutting corners and with the right attitude and commitment, Affiliates have a high chance of building a highly profitable Affiliate Marketing business earning multiple recurring high, medium and low commissions at the same time. 

Imagine being able to sell a product or service for $10,000 and earning 30% ($3,000) commission on it - 

How many of those would you have to sell to meet your monthly financial needs? In Turn, how would that help in resolving your problem ?