I'm Azher, a dad and a longtime entrepreneur turned Affiliate Marketer. 

Affiliate Marketing has allowed me to build a online business around the things that matter most to me. 

Living With Affiliate Marketing: 

The Modern New Way

Getting To Know Affiliate Marketing: 

What & How It Works!

What's Affiliate Marketing? 

It's the ultimate lifestyle business we all dream about - Doing what you love, when and where you want, while knowing the business is working on autopilot - I love it! 

Affiliate Marketing is like being a virtual salesperson. 

Through your website, blog or an article like this, you promote someone else's product or service. And when someone buys the offer by tapping on your unique link, you earn a commission.

It's a hands-off approach to entrepreneurship, where you don't have to worry about stock or customer service. It's music to my ears! 

Unlimited freedom can only happen when you're free from the daily delivery of products and services to customers - something I never enjoyed in my previous business.

 Incredible opportunity!

I hadn't heard about Affiliate Marketing before seeing the Ad. Upon discovery of it, I remember the sensation of excitement by the opportunity and fearing failure because of its popularity.

Statista shows that Affiliate Marketing is growing at a phenomenal rate. 

The industry was worth $8.2 billion in 2022, a 10% increase from the year before. It's expected to jump to $21.1 billion in 2024 and reach $15.7 billion by the end of 2023. 

According to a report by Astute Analytica, it’s going to reach a whopping $36.9 billion by 2030.

With that kinda growth, opportunities are always out there to be captured! 

Which then leaves dealing with its popularity.... 

So, how to stand out in a crowded place? 

The popularity of Affiliate Marketing can be a worry for many people.  

The answer lies in learning how to correctly apply the Authority Marketing strategy.

It's universally applicable to any Affiliate program, in any competitive online environment. 

You will gain a valuable skillset much in demand when it comes to marketing anything online.

The upsides, downsides & Bad-side of affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketings' Upsides....

  • Small Risk & Big Reward

With Affiliate Marketing, there's no risk of stocking product and it not selling. 

You just share knowledge about someone else's product or service you believe in (through like an ad, article or blog) and earn commission when they buy the offer through your affiliate link. 

Look at it this way: it's a minimum investment, maximum return dream model! 

  • Flexibility & Independence:  

It's THIS that captured my attention and why most people find their way to Affiliate Marketing. The onus is on you! You get to decide how to plan your day, whatever your profession. 

Whatever your background, you have unparalleled opportunity to live the dream life of your choice, prioritising what matters to you the most. 

All you need is a laptop and internet connection to manage your business from anywhere.

  • Passive Income Possibilities:  

Let your business work for you and not YOU work for your business! It's what I LOVE about this model - It earns as you sleep! 

I got my first sale while sleeping on a plane, travelling to see my kids on the other side of the world! 

After a one time setup, your marketing system does all the heavy lifting. What's even better, with the right training and your back end system optimised, you can scale up things for uncapped income possibilities, if you choose to - it's all in your control!

  • Geographic Freedom:  

With a laptop and an internet connection – you can work from literally ANYWHERE. 

What I love about this modern new lifestyle is I can go Kayaking in the afternoon, after dedicating a couple of hours to my Affiliate Marketing business in the morning. 

Again, your choice when and where you want.

  • No Previous Skills Needed:  

Yes, I know it's too good to be true - It's why most people don't believe it. It's what surprised me too. But trust me - it's true! 

Anything is possible with the right training and the right dedicated expert support. 

You'll be taken by the hand with no online skills to launching a profitable business in as little as a few months (I launched my affiliate business in just 8 weeks!). 

Disclaimer: It's NOT an overnight get rich scheme!

  • No Social Media Posting: 

This is a big misconception! It's one I misunderstood also. 

Like most people in our community, I wanted to build trust with my customers and maintain my privacy at the same time. 

I was really pleased to see that's the case with Affiliate Marketing! 

By not being on Social Media won't stop you having a successful Affiliate Marketing business. 

Again the choice is yours!

  • No Need To Invest In Stock

Like I mentioned at the outset, you don’t need to buy any stock. 

There’s no risk of getting stuck with unsold products or any stocking issues, unlike my food business where this was a huge problem.

Affiliate Marketings' Downsides....

How to 'stand out' in too much competition!** 

Proper training, time and practice are the key ingredients, to avoid blending in with the rest of the noise and be seen in a competitive crowded marketplace.

Authority Marketing is the shortcut where you'll know precisely how to get in front of targeted buyers and convert them into customers - on complete autopilot!  

And Affiliate Marketings' Bad-Side... 

Today my automated Affiliate Marketing business does all the heavy lifting. 

I love the way it flexes to my needs, opening a whole new world of unlimited freedom.

After committing to a new relationship 18 months ago with my now wife, the flexibility of doing Affiliate Marketing online from anywhere allowed me to relocate to Canada. 

Today I'm free to choose where, when and how to work. It can be in the UK or on a lake in Canada, either way, I'm not pinned down to a geographical location because of my work. 

How does Affiliate Marketing work?

Getting started in Affiliate Marketing is straight forward. 

You find a product or service you believe in, sign up for their Affiliate Program, and start promoting through your website, blog, or social media. 

It's like being an online matchmaker, connecting buyers with products and services they'll love.

Authority Marketing: The ShortCut! 

Authority Marketing is a cutting-edge strategy enabling you to make more money in less time by working smarter, not harder.

Success of this new digital skill (the six steps) will free you up to do the things you've been wanting to do to live the modern new way.

What Affiliate Marketing Will Do For You in 2024!

Here's what we'll cover:

Life Before Affiliate Marketing!

Everybody knows the internet is where people prefer to research and buy products and services. 

When you learn how to use Authority Marketing, you'll gain a skill set to tap into this multi-billion dollar opportunity and know precisely how to get in front of targeted buyers and convert them into customers - on complete autopilot.

As a result, money could flow into your bank account every day, like clockwork, leaving you free to paddling away into the sunset to enjoy living life on your own terms! 

You can do this with your own existing products or services 


Tap into newbie-friendly business models like Affiliate Marketing to earn generous commissions. 

All this can be done from scratch and starting today!

Sign up if you want to know more.....

Where to begin the Affiliate journey!

Like so many, my journey began with the four value packed videos included in the intro training and you can start there too. 

It's the gateway to a paid full blown 'world class' online education program.

Through the intro training, you'll learn about:

  • The different types of online businesses, not just Affiliate Marketing
  • The five reasons to break free with the modern new way in more depth. 
  • The better and quicker way to win with Authority Marketing: the shortcut marketing strategy.
  • How to get help every step of the way from mentors and experts.
  • Stories of how new digital skills have helped other members in the community.

For me, the intro training gave me hope that I was close to achieving a free redesigned lifestyle that I wished for years ago...

Now, I know there's a lot of information I've thrown your way today. 

Give careful consideration when deciding the direction you wish to take.  

The rewards of living with Affiliate Marketing are incredible. But the journey getting there has its challenges, which are surmountable.

Affiliate Marketing is a great option as the ultimate lifestyle business!

There are a lot of upsides to this online model. And yet the downsides and bad-side of it can't be ignored either. 

The growth opportunities are immense if you're willing to give time and commitment to learning new digital skills that will help you to live out your true purpose in life.

It's important to note success in Affiliate Marketing can take time! It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. So be patient with yourself while applying your newly acquired skills.   


Hi I'm Azher and this is me with my wife Huma standing on top of the Rockies! Travelling is one of the things we love doing together. But it wasn't always like this.

I have to take you back to when I was running the family food business. Don't get me wrong I had a decent living for many years. 

But, it's not all about the money!

The rapid growth of the business brought its own challenges. The long hours felt like being stuck on an endlessly rotating hamster wheel with no way off. 

Each day was filled with frustrating stock issues, tireless customer complaints and worries juggling finances. It was like wading through thick treacle, slowly sinking as I struggled to get to the end of the day!

I hated going on holiday, worrying about work all the time and haunted by what waited for me upon my return. 

But all that changed one Friday evening in August 2018. The business was destroyed by a vicious cyber-attack. In just six hours, everything we had worked for, was gone!  

Desperation led me to make poor choices. Fast forward a couple of years, my circumstances eventually forced me into a 9-5 job. 

And what a mistake that was! I went from the frying pan into the fire. 

This time, I became a hostage to someone else's work! Answering to a self-centred demanding boss with restricted freedom and a capped income, which I wasn't used too. 

Feeling demoralised was added to frustration and anxiety by an old system that didn't work! 

On the outside, I seemed okay to others, but on the inside, I was a walking train wreck. Life felt like it was a prison sentence!

I hit rock bottom in May 2023! 

It was an eight week break from work for physical exhaustion and mental anxiety that saved me from a complete burn out!

But, it gave me time to think and do some much needed soul searching.

That's when I crossed paths with an Ad talking about Affiliate Marketing. 

It offered four introductory training videos packed with value. 

It introduced me to Authority Marketing, a proven marketing strategy that’s easy to understand and yields great results for affiliates and other online marketers by working smarter, not harder. 

The training, accessible from any green button, is a taster of how this strategy applies to different types of online businesses, and not just Affiliate Marketing.

It showed me by learning new digital skills, I could leveraging the power of automated online marketing systems, to live the dream life on my own terms.

The value packed videos revealed the five ultimate reasons which finally gave me the courage to break free and redesign the overworked and unfulfilled life I was living for so long. 

Even limited funds and no online experience didn't stop me from taking a shot at doing this properly - all I needed was a laptop and an internet connection to get started. 

With nothing to lose, I jumped in and haven't looked back since! 

In hindsight, I wish I had found an article like this back then — it would've made all the difference.

It's why I've shared my story to ensure you don't struggle the way I did!

Imagine what life would look like avoiding wasted time and money, and not feeling overworked and unfulfilled, something I hadn't felt for years!

Today, I’m in a much happier place, appreciating the joys of life a lot more with my wife, while my Affiliate Marketing business runs on autopilot.

Using the digitals skills and technology to build something you love that runs on autopilot is the modern new way - so that you have a purposeful life with unlimited time and money to travel, explore or be with those you love at anytime, anywhere!

It took me nearly five years to get here (and I'm still not fully there yet). 

Taking that long, is NOT what I want for you.

To make it quick and easy, I've collated some key bits of information, so you can see if it aligns your needs with your desired dream solution.


Now, it's highly unlikely that an introductory training alone could help build a profitable Affiliate Marketing business or any other profitable online business, for that matter! 

I know how tempting it is to jump right in because let's face it's an exciting prospect, isn't it? 

I would recommend using the introductory training as a foundation of learning - if done in the right way without cutting corners, it will prove to be very beneficial up ahead.

What this is NOT about

To manage your expectations, I want be absolutely clear and NOT lead you down the wrong path:

The outcomes of what I'm sharing is NOT about:

  • A quick, get rich scheme!
  • Or money rolling in over night.
  • Or a 'quick' fix to any problem or solution. 

But rather, it's preparing you, if your willing, to put some hard work up front, to build something that you love by redesigning your life and can be of value to someone else at the same time!  

(Disclaimer: results are dependant on variables based on each person's attitude and application). 

Affiliate Marketing: 5 ultimate Reasons to use it to live life on your own terms in 2024!

I got into Affiliate Marketing because there was no joy in the work I was doing.

 Like so many, for years I stopped believing I could break free, disillusioned with overwork and lack of satisfaction.

But did you know, there's a way that's helping thousands to live life on their own terms. It's no secret that the internet now offers incredible opportunities, especially in Affiliate Marketing. 

Through reskilling, it's possible to redesign your work patterns and lifestyle - something I didn't think possible, until having done it myself! 

And yet statistics show more and more people are living unsatisfied lives - trapped by work with restricted freedom and limited income!

Naturally, you'd do whatever it takes to look after your family, wouldn't you? Even at the expense of your own happiness.

But there's another reason.

Trading time for money!  

It's the old way of working that's repeatedly mis-sold to us. 

Naively, I too believed in it - thinking it was the right way for me.  

 You see, I've been on both sides of the fence, overworked running my family business and unfulfilled working in a demanding job - neither, brought me happiness!

I discovered the 'old' system is broken, leaving a trail of unhappiness in its wake.

It's why I'm writing this article, to share what I've learned. 

I don't want you to be like me, trying everything to break free and getting nowhere. 

So, I’ve gathered valuable information I wish I had known before starting Affiliate Marketing. 

Use me to see, if what I'll share works for you.

Whether you're new to Affiliate Marketing or have some experience, this article has something for everyone. 

I'm confident it'll save you time, confirm you're on the right track, and help you connect with the right people.

For me, 2024 is about doing what matters to me most: kayaking, traveling, and spending quality time with loved ones. 

So, why keep trading your time for money in 2024?

If you want to break free to live life on your own terms, let's get started and see if this works for you...

5 Ultimate Reasons to Break Free From the old way!

Here are the five reasons comparing trading time for money, the old way with earning on autopilot, the modern new way.

Now, you could be forgiven for feeling this is too good to be true. I also felt the same! 

But trust me, it's true! 

The new way is about gaining the relevant and up-to-date online money-making skills that will enable you to have more time for family, more time to travel and explore, and more time to do the things you like with the people you love while living out your true purpose.

You might have heard about many frauds, scams and poor returns on investment. 

It's understandable to be worried! 

Anura's Fraud Tidbits report says up to 45% of Affiliate traffic is fake. Ad fraud is a big issue, with global costs expected to rise from $35 billion in 2018 to $100 billion in 2023, showing the need for strong fraud detection in Affiliate Marketing.

Notably also, many companies don't offer good returns, support, or resources to their Affiliates. 

And watch out for scams promising quick riches solutions—these usually make scammers rich, not you. 

These were all worries for me too - I know this kind of fear can stop someone from trying new things.

Aligning the five ultimate reasons to these great upsides instills purpose and momentum in the next steps you want to take.

Marrying the two together confirmed how I wanted to live my redesigned lifestyle.  

Gathering the facts to get a 360 view before getting into anything new, is a great practice to do.

Understanding the pitfalls of Affiliate Marketing and their impact has helped me focus and align my needs to my solution. There's always two sides to a story! 

The Modern New Way 

The realisation of being stuck in the old way for nearly three decades motivated me to take on this journey. 

So much so, I've made it my life's work to reveal the modern new way and help as many as I can to break free and reskill to live life on their own terms.

To the point where, I've built my Affiliate Marketing business around the world class education program that gave me the courage to break away and redesign my overworked and unfulfilled existence. 

Overworked and Unfulfilled? Find Out How Affiliate Marketing is Helping so many to Break Free!

I Got Lucky! 

I found a trustworthy online education program through another affiliate member. 

The education focuses on Affiliates only, treating them as more than just a number. 

I do believe feeling safe and secure while preparing to launch and grow your online business, yeild the best results. Where, you've got control over your choices, whether it's Affiliate Marketing or any other online business you want to try, is a great place to be!